Friday, January 6, 2012

CARRY MARK SEM 1 2011/2012

Dah lame x bukak blog...Mean,dah lame la xtulis n update kann..hurm..utk sem ni sy just communicate via, i would like to say Hi!!~n welcome to those yg 1st time visit my ilmiah blog ni...sign in ok...main purpose sy update ni adalah to post uolls punyer carry mark..untuk mereka yg dpt tinggi..TAHNIAH..but jgn confident sgt..carry mark dah tgi mesti score A nt oke!yg sederhana tu,u're not the loser..wake up n move forward!~okeh,u can get ur carry as follow;
BPMN 3123

BTW, g0od luck in my paper..doa sy selalu mengiringi kalian semua..belajar lah untuk kesenangan masa depan..hanya ilmu yg boleh mengubah tanggapan org terhadap kita...
"Success doesn't come to you but you go to it"


Anonymous said...

assalammualaikum...miss,knpa x bleh tgk carry mark 2k BPMN1013 2011/2012?

Anonymous said...

tak bole pon.. bpmn1013

gula2hatyku said...

boleh je saya bukak...kamu klik dekat kod subjek yg sy tulis tu..